Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cold Spring Tavern

Right between Santa Barbara and Lake Cachuma, there's this great little bar/restaurant, nestled away in a little wooded area about a mile off the road. It used to be a Stagecoach stop, for the men to stop and rest/get a beer/feed their horses.

Michael was up for the weekend, so we decided to go to the Cold Spring Tavern for their weekend bbq.  Of course, no one told us it ended at 5 and we got there at 5:30.  But oh well!  Still a cool place.

Cool wheel bench

The old jail


Silly boys!

After this lovely, happy picture, the three of us went into Solvang for some food.  We quickly began talking politics, and continued to do so for the next 4.5 hours.  My uncle is "an independent" (yea right)  I'm truly surprised nobody came to our RV and complained bc we were still screaming at each other at 10:30 pm.  Somehow this recurring situation is infuriating and fun at the same time!

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