Saturday, May 5, 2012

Tahquitz Canyon Golf

Friday Shawn and I played golf!  I am not good.  But it was fun.  And cheap!  $19/person and that includes two beers or glasses of wine.  Plus, since it was our first time, we were able to rent girl clubs for me for free!  They're ususally $30!  I had a good shot on the it in in one stroke!  It's hard to see, but my ball is all the way to the right.  Yay! 

After golfing, we went in to the bar area and met two ladies that we ended up hanging out with for an hour and a half haha.  They were awesome!  The lady on the right told us that when she was younger, she rode a scooter all around Europe for 6 months.  Very cool.

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