Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lake Cachuma

Headed up/over to Santa Barbara from LA.  We actually stayed about 20 minutes NW of Santa Barbara at a place called Lake Cachuma.  Beautiful county park, but expensive!  Charged us an extra $10/day for the car...because we weren't towing it?  Someone has to explain to me, because the park rangers were unable to, why it's free to have a car in addition to your motorhome if you're towing it, but if you drive it in separately, it's $10/day?!!  Rangers said that it's because if the car is attached to the rv the whole thing is considered 1 vehicle...BUT IT'S NOT!!  You're gonna take the car off the tow dolly and its gonna sit next to the motor home just like the one I drove in?!  I'm still mad at the lack of logic here...but anyway, some nice pics

Pretty bird!  Woodpecker?

The lake

 Scholesy :)

Shawn caught these two fish one morning!  He went fishing with our neighbor :)
They were yummy!


Waah...I feel really guilty.

I LOVE this picture

1 comment:

  1. So much information! I LOVE Solvang. How I would have loved that clock shop. The video of the clock separating into 4 rotating pieces was fascinating. The other video, alas, did not work. Can you try to attach it again?

    The old stagecoach inn looked so charming. I need to write all these places down, just in case I ever have the opportunity to get out to CA again.

    Sweet photo of Scholesy with her dad at dusk. :)
