Thursday, August 16, 2012

Whitewater Rafting, Bend, OR

Whitewater Rafting was AWESOME!!  There were 7 of us and only two got to paddle, so I sat up front for most of the time.  It was crazy.  As you can see from my face in the pictures.  You go over a huge wave and then it's like someone just drops 4o gallons of water on your head.  At one point, Shawn and I even got to sit in the front with our legs hanging over!  And Shawn almost fell out of the boat!!!

Very fun.  We met a great family on this excursion as well.  We ended up seeing them in the next town we visited too, because they brought us into their tennis club, as guests, so we could play pickle ball (which is the funnest activity EVER!...along with ping pong!)

A pretty crazy and sad thing our tour guide told us, is that a few days earlier, two women missed a sign that said "Danger ahead...level 5 rapids" and one of them died.  (Level 5s are only for PROFESSIONALS!! The worst we went through was a brief level 3 and it was insane!) So it is VERY important to watch for signs, because we passed this same sign...and you would never know that around the bend it would turn into level 5.  It looked totally calm.  Crazy.

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