Monday, August 27, 2012

OMSI Submarine, Portland

Got to go on a real submarine in Portland!! So cool.

Periscope!  We learned all about how they use sonar when they're submerged.  Apparently, experts in the field can determine what specific objects are underwater, just depending on the sound waves they create.

Torpedoes!  They're HUGE!  Some of the soldiers sleep on them, because the room is the coolest place on the sub.

Sleeping quarters.  So tiny!

This is IT! 4 bunk beds for the whole crew.  They have to alternate sleeping.

Kitchen.  They actually get some good food.  Although, since the sub goes out for weeks at a time, they only have things like milk for the first few days.  Ugh, no light or air for weeks at a time.  Sounds awful.

Dining Room.

Holiday menus!

So complicated!

Captain gets his own room

Meeting/conference are.

1 comment:

  1. Holy smokes! You aren't kidding with the close quarters. I don't think I could stand being in such confinement for long periods of time. Besides, no salad on the menu. Perish the thought! How the heck do they sleep on the torpedos? They're curved!

