Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Bend. OR was cool.  The RV Park was lovely.  Even had a nice "concert" and bbq for its guests!


And we got a juicer!! I've never seen this many vegetables together in my life.  Even the veggie torture my mom made me go through every day until I left for college doesn't compare :)

...yea right...she was the worst!!

Nice little town.

Went to one of the MANY McMenniman's Brothers restaurants.  Gotta say, they are a cool set of guys.  They have breweries everywhere! And because they really wanted to be awesome, they took a bunch of old catholic schools and turned them into bars/movie theaters.  Even their beer kegs are cool!

Here's on of their "school/bars"

Here's one bar area

School hallway connetcing an indoor bar with an outdoor firepit/cigar/whiskey one. Unfortunately it was hard to take pictures inside because it was so dark.  But it was very cool...prohibition style.

And here are some random pictures of...pictures that were on the wall.  But they're cool!!  Ha.  That's what our parents looked like in high school!

I love old pictures.  Here is a perfect one..."the second before..."

Cigar/Whiskey Bar.  Yuk. But the firepit was really nice. Shawn loved it.

He thinks he's Hugh Heffner haha.

Bend, OR