Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Unfortunately, we only got to spend 1 day in Yosemite.  But we did see some AMAZING things.  Particularly the following waterfall.

 I have to give Matt some credit here, because he wanted to stop and from the road, it didn't look like there was anything to see...

The BESSSST part about this waterfall is that you have to get to it by rock scrambling, which happens to be my favorite activity. 

At the first waterfall platform.  Still a while to go!

Once we reached this platform, we saw a guy walking down from the next high point and he said it wasn't worth the climb.  Well, we decided we wanted to do it anyway.  And thank god we did.  Coolest thing I've ever seen!!!  I almost don't even want to post these photos, because they do negative justice to what we saw.  Matt had some nice photos on his phone too, but shockingly, he lost that phone before I was able to get them off.

Double rainbow!!

Walking through the park

Yosemite National Park, CA

1 comment:

  1. Awww... Bec and Shawn with a rainbow over their heads. That's an auspicious sign! Nice shot of the pine trees against the grey mountains. What a beautiful place!
