Tuesday, May 8, 2012


This afternoon, I drove up to Idyllwild, per my uncle's suggestion.  It was some trip there.  You spend 1 hour driving up these narrow, winding roads up a mountain.  Idyllwild is at about a 6,000 ft. elevation.  Got some incredible views on the way up.  Unfortunately, it's impossible to get the perspective from photos.  But here's one anyway!

Finally got to Idyllwild.  What an adorable town!!!  Every building looks like a cute, little cottage.  Even the movie theater has a rustic look.  And in the background, you see mountains.  Very lovely town.

Saw this on the way home.  Anybody know what kind of bird it is?


  1. Looks like a turkey vulture or a black vulture--big, dark bird, fringy wings held in a "V" shape, loves to glide on thermals (not much wing flapping), bare head. They're beautiful in the sky, not quite so pretty up close!

    Aunt Tari

  2. I knew that Tari would be the one to identify the bird! What a charming town- looks rustic, but I'll bet it's a pretty penny to live there, don't you think?

